Branch Valve.The valve function to close..
Equipment, cables, pipes and valves in e..
Engine room on a cargo boat ship, engine..
Hydraulic system of the machine, oil und..
Refinery worker standing on metal bridge..
Cable production in process. Cable facto..
Factory Pump..
Old gas steel boilers..
Electric motors driving water pumps...
Oil refinery plant.. Valve position moni..
Engine room on a cargo boat ship, engine..
Small yellow valves placed next to each ..
Visite de l'usine de dentelles de Calais..
Aktobe region/Kazakhstan - May 04 2012: ..
pressure gauge Gases and liquids dischar..
Visite de l'usine de dentelles de Calais..
Pressure gauge for monitoring measure pr..
Work yellow safety hat vests and hard ha..
Oil and gas industry,refinery factory..
Oilfield equipment..
conduciendo una grua..
Manufacture of galvanized steel by rolli..
Oil and gas processing platform FPSO..
Engine compartment of retro cruise liner..
Engineering control crane hydraulic mach..
Oil is dispensed into quart bottles..
Steel pipes, tubes, steam turbine, valve..
obrero manejando una grua..
Technology background..
Oil pump, yellow pipes, tubes, machinery..
pump unit, a group of electric motors an..
Valves at gas plant..
The mechanic inspects the motor in a spe..
The pumping station has a plurality of t..
Industrial turning and drilling machine ..
robot arm working in factory..