the acronym mnd for Motor neurone diseas..
the acronym msm for men who have sex wit..
the acronym nov for notice of violation...
the acronym nsg for network security gro..
the acronym mcu for Microcontroller conc..
the acronym mnb for Magyar Nemzeti Bank ..
the acronym cnn for Convolutional Neural..
moi mot ou concept représenté par des ..
the acronym msc for master of science wo..
the acronym hsm for hardware security mo..
mal mot ou concept représenté par des ..
sow word or concept represented by woode..
nan word or concept represented by woode..
the acronym agm for annual general meeti..
the acronym cme for chicago mercantile e..
own the word or concept represented by w..
age word or concept represented by woode..
the acronym wsw for women who have sex w..
the acronym cnb for Czech National Bank ..
the acronym pcm for per calendar month w..
the acronym ckd for completely knocked d..
the acronym wto for united nations world..
res word or concept represented by woode..
bum word or concept represented by woode..
the acronym mrp for maximum retail price..
ord word or concept represented by woode..
mot mot ou concept représenté par des ..
the acronym ocd for Obsessive compulsive..
koi word or concept represented by woode..
the acronym ugc for user-generated conte..
bob the word or concept represented by w..
ode word or concept represented by woode..
kuh Wort oder Konzept dargestellt durch ..
the acronym gsg for general social contr..
hog word or concept represented by woode..
the acronym pda for personal digital ass..