Female wild duck flying, seen in the wil..
Female Mallard Duck Flying in a Blue Sky..
Brown Pelican - Texas, USA..
White-breasted cormorant (Phalacrocorax ..
volo al tramonto..
volo al tramonto..
Willet (Tringa semipalmata) flying in bl..
Pelican in Rich Color..
Mallard Duck Flying in a Blue Sky..
Sandhill crane in flight..
Curly-haired gray pelican plans in the a..
wild goose flying in natural habitat..
Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) i..
Brown pelican in flight..
Spot-billed Pelican in Panama nature res..
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A Sandhill Crane flies over a marsh duri..
Eurasian crane..
Wild bird in the wild Morus bassanus - N..
Kormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo)..
Mallard, Duck, Anas platyrhynchos..
Kormoran im flug..
Grey Heron Flying ..
Large Bird Soaring Through a Blue Sky..
Open Billed Stork in Flight..
Grey Heron Flying..
Common crane (Grus grus) flying..
Greylag Geese in flight..
Ardea cinerea fly into sky Grey heron in..
one common crane (grus grus) flying with..
Single stork is flying in blue sly..
Rotmilan beim Fliegen..
Common crane (Grus grus) flying in the b..
flying Pygmy cormorant // fliegende Zwer..
Fliegender Graureiher...