Madonna in trono con Bambino tra i Santi..
la visitazione; affresco nella navata de..
Madonna in trono con Bambino; affresco d..
Virgin whit Child, 15th century, Cappell..
Jesus reinstates Peter to leadership of ..
Holy Family, the altarpiece in the churc..
Czestochowa, Poland, 19 March 2020: Colo..
Virgn Mary..
The fresco Madonna with the child and sa..
Madonna in maestà; affresco nell'abbazi..
Tyrol Castle, Merano,South Tyrol, Italy,..
Mosaic in the Basilica of the Sacred Hea..
miraculous icon of Virgin Mary, Jesus Ch..
i Santi Gioachino e Anna con altri anten..
Nativity Scene, Adoration of the Magi..
In interior of the Museum of the Cathe..
Madonna in trono; affresco sulla facciat..
Interior of the Primate Cathedral of Sai..
Assumption of the Virgin, altarpiece on ..
Altar of Saint Leodegar in the church of..
Front door with ancient orthodox icons o..
Santa-Maria-in-Trastevere, fresque mural..
Interior view of the Elisabeth church in..
Houdan, France - april 3 2017 : the Sain..
Frescoes adorn the pentagonal courtyard ..
Altar of Our Lady of Graces in the Cathe..
Jesus said to Peter, Feed My Sheep, alta..
The Annunciation..
Saint Anne, the education of the Virgin ..
Altar of Saint Maurice in the church of ..
Icon of Mary in Temple of Pokrova na Ner..
Palermo, capitol of Sicily. The beautifu..
Jesus gives Peter the keys to the Kingdo..
Visitation of the Virgin Mary, altarpiec..
Toledo, España, Acero, Edad Media..
Painting of Christ at the Santa Maria De..