Acronym of AAF for Annual Access Fee..
Acronym of AAC for Advanced Access Contr..
Acronym of AAC for Actual Acquisition Co..
Acronym of AAD for All Available Data..
Acronym of AAE for Asia and Europe..
Acronym of AAF for Annual Average Flow..
Acronym of AAC for Advanced Audio Coding..
Acronym of AAD for All About Dollars..
Acronym of AAE for Arts and Education..
Acronym of AAR for Against All Risks..
Acronym of AAA for Action,Awareness,Aler..
XML, extensible markup language..
Yes, no or unknown..
Acronym of AAE for Age at Exam..
Alphabet on blackboard..
Acronym of AAP for Accurate as Possible..
Acronym of B2N - Business to Nobody..
Old Way, New Way written on a blackboard..
be happy, to do: 1) do not worry 2) be h..
Acronym of AAS for Alive and Smiling..
Hope Acronym Concept..
Tafel, Preiserhöhung..
total quality management..
Acronym of DIY for Do It Yourself..
Acronym of BPM - Business Process Manage..
A dream without a PLAN is just a wish..
Acronym of B2T - Business to Trade..
Acronym of B2E - Business to enterprise..
Test escrito en una pizarra a mano con l..
Acronym of BPM - Best Practical Means..
Acronym of B2I - Business to Industry..
Acronym of AAA - available, accessible. ..
BPM, Business Process Management..
IDEA acronym..
Acronym of AAE for Arts and Entertainmen..
Palabras de marketing escritas a mano c..