Watching a grass snake through gras at s..
small green frog in the middle of reeds..
Frosch 3..
Gelbbauchunke (Bombina variegata) im Tü..
Green-skinned frog resting in the sun on..
Schlängelnde Ringelnatter..
two frogs mating in the water in a pond..
A green frog, Lithobates clamitans, hidi..
frog in a pond..
The European red-bellied toad (lat. Bomb..
A beautiful cute brown frog with yellow ..
a lizard in the grass..
Frösche im Wasser..
Rana en Charca..
Two American toads (Anaxyrus americanus..
Green edible frog in the water with gras..
Closeup on a ball of male European commo..
Common frog,toad,rana temporaria in pond..
An American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbe..
A frog hides in the morning sun..
Big green frog lurking in a pond for ins..
Płazy bezogonowe (Anura), ropucha szara..
Green frog in pond full of algae..
Marsh Frog in Pond..
Marsh Frog in Pond..
Head of a pool frog..
Frosch in grünem Wasser..
frogs in a pond..
Barrenringelnatter (Natrix helvetica)..
European common brown frog, Rana tempora..
Erdkröte, Bufo bufo, bei der Paarung..
Frosch im Teich, beim Golfplatz Bad Wald..