An Ornate Box Turtle crosses a gravel ro..
Ornate Box Turtle cross a gravel road in..
Box Turtle in the Road..
Box Turtle Crossing the Road..
Ornate Box Turtle closeup with a cricket..
Ornate Box Turtle encounters a cricket i..
Ornate Box Turtle cross a gravel road in..
Cute small baby Red-foot Tortoise in the..
Box Turtle crossing road..
Tiny Box Turtle..
Box Turtle..
European pond turtle walking on the floo..
Turtle in nature..
turtle on sand, testudo hermanni..
Malayan snail-eating turtle..
Small turtle walking on a garden..
Western Box Turtle (Terrapene ornata)..
Eastern Box Turtle crossing a road..
Eastern Box Turtle crossing dirt road..
Tiny Box Turtle..
Eastern box turtle living within the wet..
Western Box Turtle (Terrapene ornata)..
Chinese stripe-necked turtle..
Herman's Tortoise - Testudo hermanni..
Snapping Turtle on a dirt road...
Diamondback Terrapin..
Eastern box turtle..
Cute single turtle walking on pebble roa..
Eastern Hermann's tortoise, European ter..
Eastern Box Turtle Crossing the Road..
Terrapin climbing onto rock..
European pond turtle walking on the floo..
Tortue hermann de terre de la plaine des..